Public transport
- The best way to plan your journey is to use ↗️.
- Here's a direct link ↗️ to set the correct destination right away.
- If you're arriving by train, you'll probably end up at the central station in Luxembourg city, set "Luxembourg, Gare Centrale" as "From" station.
- If you're arriving by airplane, set "Luxembourg, Findel" as "From" station.
- It's a 10 minute walk from the train station to the camp site. Route (google maps) ↗️
Ride sharing
- Use google maps and navigate to HaxoGreen ↗️ or use the Address
- There is no car parking on site or around the site. Car parks are marked in green on the map and are between 1000m and 1600m away. A list of parkings can be found on the wiki-page Services#Parking. So drive onto the site, unpack all, and put the car on one of the car parks. Then have a little walk though town.
- There are no campers or caravans allowed on the camp-site itself. Only tents.
- If you want to come with an camper or caravan, there is an official external parking for such vehicles near the Boulodrome. See Services#Camperparking_Dudelange for details.