
How long should a wedding speech be? The UK often follows the Americans’ slick lead when it comes to weddings, and Simpson concedes that they’re on the right track when it comes to speeches, especially in terms of timekeeping.

“In the US, they agree on length beforehand,” he says. “Speechmakers are given three or four minutes. We don’t do that. But now that there are more speeches, everyone needs to be quicker.”

Simpson recommends seven minutes or “10 max” for any speech to avoid guest boredom and resentment , more info :

Bride speech subjects If a bride chooses to make a speech, the first thing she should do is discuss what subjects with her husband-to be, so they don’t go over the same ground in terms of their thank-yous.

This, says Simpson, should happen among all the speechmakers before a wedding anyway.

So, after thank-yous, what should you be talking about? Your beloved, of course! Their quirks are a welcome topic, especially if it come with a healthy dollop of humour.

Things that should never be said? “Never use it as an opportunity to air laundry. It might only last a few minutes, but people can remember speeches forever.”

Although tradition dictates that the groom toasts the bridesmaids, it’s likely that a bride will want to talk about her friends too.

Wedding poems A poem can work really nicely – but it’s got to pretty blooming good. Poetry can be cringeworthy at the best of times, so unless you’re supremely confident in your writing skills, it’s probably not the best time to channel your inner Pam Ayres.

The most important thing to remember is to speak slowly, with poise and purpose. Dispel any anxiety by focusing on your new spouse; they’re the reason you’re making a speech in the first place.

And remember, you’re not an actor or comic – you’re you, on the best the day of your life. Speak from the heart and you won’t go far wrong!