
From inventory to finance, field sales to management reports: you can count on the ContaAzul application

A complete platform allied to your business, this is how the ContaAzul application is defined on your home page.


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Indeed, with several features, the platform is very complete and agile, and it was even chosen as the best small business management system by Folha de São Paulo.

In this post you will learn a little more about ContaAzul and the facilities it can offer your company.

But, of course, there are several other financial managers for companies , some of them, even, we've already compared ContaAzul, here on the blog, see:

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ContaAzul Application: The ERP of SMEs

This is the positioning of the CantaAzul Application: an online ERP for small businesses, from finance to commercial in a single software.

ERP stands for Enterprise Resources and Planning, which could be translated as “Enterprise Resource Planning”. It is a platform that integrates the information and management of several departments, avoiding double releases or conflicting information, and bringing more transparency, improving the flow of information and facilitating the management of business performance .

As they are usually very comprehensive, they are usually divided into modules, so the company can start with finance and inventory, for example, and gradually add new modules, such as sales and product management, and even integrate with its accountant.

And ContaAzul app is no different, check out some of the features you can count on.

Main modules of ContaAzul Application

  • Financial: allows control of accounts payable and receivable, makes reconciliation and bank integration, management of the various accounts in your company's banks, monitoring of cash flow in real time, import of incoming invoices, analysis and reporting of payment costs for decision making and even issuing bills.
  • Stocks: find out how your stock is turning, register carriers and suppliers to facilitate the issuance of incoming and outgoing invoices, have an inventory updated in real time at any time and greater control over purchases made.
  • Products: streamline the sales of your products by controlling the order until generating the invoice, generating online quotes and proposals that are transformed into sales with one click. Issue invoices faster, have your customer record always up to date, and manage salespeople much more easily.
  • Services: Manage contracts, submit proposals, issue NFS-e and Danfe, create service orders and send quotes by email, in addition to generating sales slips and having a monthly closing report.
  • Accountant integration: your accountant now has access to your tax documents automatically and online, saving time, avoiding errors, delays and shipping costs.
  • Reports: in addition to the daily and monthly cash flow, several other controls can be easily accessed, such as customer reports, expenses, best-selling products, billing per customer, inventory turnover, analysis of receipts and many others.
  • ContaAzul App for mobile sales: for those who have sales teams visiting customers, the ContaAzul Sales App allows registration of customers, products and services, monitoring of sales evolution, inventory control and even a location map to facilitate deliveries to the customers and avoid getting lost when visiting. It's free and available on Android and iOS.

All these features of the ContaAzul application can be managed through control panels, in addition, different user profiles only have access to certain information, ensuring more security during its use.


See even more information about ContaAzul in our blog: ContaAzul System: the easiest way to avoid red bills, now at Pluga

Boost your ERP with even more integrations: Pluga + ContaAzul

If you thought that ContaAzul application already does a lot for an SME, know that with Pluga's integrations it can be even more interesting for your business.

Our goal is to make your company increasingly productive, automating repetitive tasks, those that take up a lot of your time and your team and reduce productivity.

Read More: <a href="">PropertyNews</a>


For this, we integrate the online tools that you use most in your daily life so that they can communicate with each other and perform tasks automatically.

For example: Every time a payment is approved in your payment method, a customer is created in ContaAzul, and the same can happen when closing a deal in your CRM system.


Source: <a href="">PropertyNews</a>