LONDON — The British Broadcasting Corporation is variously seen as a crown jewel of British culture, a producer of refined entertainment and reliable news coverage and as a cumbersome monolith, burdened by scandal and mismanagement. But there is wide agreement that the BBC is at a critical moment in its nearly 94-year Challenged by the same forces that have upended traditional news media organizations elsewhere, including the technology-driven fracturing of its mass audiences, it faces intense budget Accused of using public funds to distort the market for programming, it is under constant assault by private-sector competitors. Criticized by some members of the governing Conservative Party as having a left-leaning institutional bias, it has been caught in political crosscurrents.

The British monarch appoints the members of the BBC Trust, an independent 12-member panel, governed by a chairman, that oversees day-to-day operations. The original charter gave the BBC a monopoly covering all phases of broadcasting in Britain. ]) in 1955. A second commercial channel commenced broadcasting in 1982. The BBC’s radio monopoly ended with the government’s decision to permit, starting in the early 1970s, local commercial broadcasts. BBC World Service radio broadcasts began in 1932 as the Empire Service. By the early 21st century the service broadcast in more than 40 languages to roughly 120 million people worldwide. World Service Television began broadcasting in 1991 and unveiled a 24-hour news channel, BBC News 24, in 1997. The BBC also has been successful with the overseas syndication of its television programming.

In the United States, series such as All Creatures Great and Small, Doctor Who, Mr. Bean, and Upstairs, Downstairs have been featured on the Public Broadcasting Service. The BBC is largely financed by annual television licensing fees, which are paid by those who own TV sets or watch live television transmissions on such devices as computers. It offers five radio networks in Britain, ranging from popular music to news and information services, as well as national television channels. Under its charter the BBC may not advertise or broadcast sponsored programs. It is required to refrain from broadcasting any opinion of its own on current affairs and matters of public policy and to be impartial in its treatment of controversy.

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a large-scale broadcasting corporation that offers content to inform, educate, and entertain people. It is a public service broadcaster established by a Royal Charter and funded by the license fee that is paid by the U.K. In the U.K., BBC provides 10 network television services, 10 network radio services, 46 radio services in the nations and regions of the U.K., and an extensive online presence. It also delivers impartial news and information to audiences around the globe through its world service. BBC offers a wide range of careers in the areas of journalism, broadcasting, and technology as well as corporate roles such as HR, legal, finance, and administration. The company has a commercial arm, BBC Worldwide, which operates a range of businesses, including selling and advertising across BBC websites to viewers outside the U.K. Its profits are returned to BBC for investments in new programs and services.

He described a question posed by the BBC interviewer Thomas Naadi about whether he contributed to Ahmed’s death as ‘rubbish’, advising that the journalist should, ‘ask intelligent questions’. "The motive behind… for circulating those pictures was to warn Ghanaians of that guy when they come to their premise because that is what they do," the legislator said. Mr Agyapong also sympathised with the family of the slain journalist adding that Ahmed was exposed to a lot of danger because of the nature of his work, he told the BBC. Earlier, the controversial NPP legislator had said the BBC is a bogus media entity because their reportage on the murder of Suale was skewed to favour Anas. "They (BBC) are foolish. They are cheapening journalism because they are using Anas’ false information", he slammed. The MP who is also the Chairman of Kencity Multimedia continued and said "Look at how CNN broadcasts their news and look at how BBC also broadcasts theirs. As for BBC, they are cheapening themselves". "Anas could not have used CNN like the way he used BBC. BBC reporter: Did you contribute in any way to the death of Ahmed Suale? BBC reporter: Okay, what message do you have for Ahmed Suale’s fathers family. Kennedy: Good. I sympathise with them and it is unfortunate.

Murdoch shut the paper last July amid a torrent of allegations about alleged ethical and legal lapses by its staff. In two letters, dated March 10 and 11, Pike suggested that the BBC might be pursuing the hacking story for business or political reasons rather than for journalistic motives. In his March 10 letter, Pike noted that the BBC was planning to broadcast Panorama’s investigation at a time when the British government was actively considering Murdoch’s bid for BSkyB’s remaining shares. BSkyB is a principal competitor with the BBC in Britain. Pike said it was "quite apparent" that the program the BBC was preparing was "yet another attempt to undermine New Corp’s bid for Sky" (sic).

In response to a request for comment, the BBC told Reuters: "Panorama investigations always come from a point of public interest and operate within the BBC editorial guidelines and Ofcom’s code. A spokesperson for News International, Murdoch’s principal newspaper publishing company in Britain, said the company had no comment on Pike’s accusation that the BBC had pursued the phone hacking inquiry for ulterior motives. The Guardian also reported that the BBC had referred Farrer & Co to a disciplinary authority for British lawyers because of this aspect of Pike’s letter. The BBC confirmed that it had "written to the Solicitors Regulation Authority. In Britain, solicitors are lawyers who handle most out of court and pre-trial litigation, while barristers are lawyers who handle trials and appeal proceedings in higher courts. Pike did not respond to an e-mail requesting comment. But a representative of Farrer & Co. disputed the Guardian’s interpretation of Pike’s letter and what Pike had said to Parliament. The firm had no further comment on its accusation that the BBC had acted for commercial or political motives.

It’s not hard to stumble across any number of articles and papers proclaiming the next wonder food to improve your gut health. As scientists increasingly discover the central role that gut bacteria play in our overall health, it’s tempting to latch on to these promises to try to revitalise everything from your weight to mental wellbeing. But the science has a way to go before we know exactly what nutrition is best for your gut. BBC Future spoke to leading gut health and microbiome researchers to sift fact from fiction on gut health "wonder foods", probiotics, prebiotics and what changes to your diet could genuinely boost your gut health.

The interest in how to improve your gut health is so high because recent advances have begun to unpick how the microbiome affects many conditions beyond those affecting the digestive system. Studies have linked gut bacteria - known collectively as the microbiome - to changes in mood and mental health, tendency to obesity and to cardiovascular health. For people who want to maintain a healthy weight and mental health, the goal would be a way to "hack" their gut bacteria. Sonia Fonseca, a researcher studying the interactions between the diet, gut, microbiome and brain at the Quadram Institute. Can detoxing help your gut health? But finding a way to hack your microbiome might be harder than it sounds.

For one thing, like much of health research, even though a study finds a link between one food and an improvement in gut bacteria, it doesn't mean that food has caused the change in the microbiome. While headlines may be moving faster than solid science, some clear trends are emerging on things we can do to make a real impact on gut health, says Kevin Whelan, professor of dietetics at King's College London. The majority of evidence supports that there are four main ways to do this. The first is taking foods or supplements with probiotic bacteria in them.

These are bacteria that are generally thought to be part of a healthy microbiome - particularly common ones in supplements and "live" yoghurts (meaning they contain living bacteria) are called bifidobacteria and lactobacillus. That might seem like a logical plan - more healthy bacteria, healthier gut. But of course, that's just the start. It's not just about quantity of those helpful bacterial strains, it's about diversity. Verdict: Adding a few strains of bacteria to your microbiome through taking a probiotic probably won't boost your gut health diversity all that much. Just one letter different, prebiotics are a source of food for probiotic bacteria to live off, such as inulin (easily confused with but very different from insulin) or galactooligosaccharides.

These molecules are often indigestible to humans, so pass straight through the gut to where the bacteria are. While taking a probiotic may be like planting a seed, taking a prebiotic is like nurturing it by giving it the nourishment it needs. But again, this approach comes up against the same limitations as taking a probiotic alone. Verdict: "Prebiotics do not increase the diversity of the microbiome," says Whelan. Microbes & me is a new collaborative series between BBC Future and BBC Good Food. In the series, we’ll be looking at recent research into the microbiome of bacteria that lives in all of us.

We’ll be exploring how it affects our health, what could be having detrimental effects on it, and recommending recipes that might help it thrive. So microbiome diversity is probably not achievable by swallowing a whole range of supplements. But there are ways to improve diversity by focusing on the foods you eat. Even if your habitual diet is balanced, with plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and so on, having a predictable routine is not likely to do much good for a diverse microbiome. Verdict: Evidence for the efficacy of specific foods is always questionable, but eating a varied and diverse diet of healthy foods is likely to lead to an equally diverse and healthy microbiome.

Studies are also pointing to possible benefits from fermented foods such as kombucha and kefir. These foods, which have been made traditionally for thousands of years, have been studied in the field of "psychobiotics", which is when ingesting bacteria of a particular type has a positive mental health effect. Some studies have shown that people taking fermented milk products had lower levels of cortisol, a stress marker, in their blood compared to a placebo control group, and also had a more diverse microbiome. While these results are promising, studies such as this are often small - with two dozen or so participants - and so larger clinical trials are needed before we can be sure, says Fonseca.

In general, evidence like this needs to be put in a wider context for it to make any sense. Whelan agrees that some people may be taking fermentation too far. Whelan, who is working on a review paper on this topic at present. Verdict: Fermented foods may help boost your microbiome diversity - but the science hasn't up with this craze yet to say with certainty either way. In general, when you see advice that says to eat particular foods or products to boost gut health, it's best to be sceptical, says Fonseca. There is a long way to go before we can say there is an optimal diet to boost gut health. But the basic building blocks are there to build a diet that at least gives you a good chance of a healthy, diverse microbiome. While supplements like probiotics and prebiotics might be of some help, one of the best things you can do may be to ditch your routine and try something new. Future fans by liking us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Capital, and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) founded in 1922 is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters are at Broadcasting House in Westminster, London and it is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation. Nicknamed the 'bat's wings', it consisted of a rounded brass contraption with a tiny spinning globe in its centre, with large wing-like protrusions flanked by lightning bolts on either side. For BBC Scotland, the globe in the centre was replaced by a lion. In the 1950s, the BBC began using logos to differentiate their channels from one another. The BBC1 logo at this time was a circular clock with BBC1 in bubble letters below it. On 30 September 1963, the BBC's globe logo first appeared.