
From Haxogreen 2024 Wiki

Schlangenprogrammier-Camp - Snakecoding-Camp

Winner 2024

In the context of HG 2024 the Highscore and Title "Längste Schlange im Camp"/"Longest snake of the camp" goes to:

 1.	xora			C++	42567.9

Top 10:

 1.	xora			C++	42567.9
 2.	Julzi			Python	32230.3
 3.	Julzi_Tester		Python	31394.5
 4.	Testi			Python	26306.5
 5.	rice			Python	26287.2
 6.	MaNa			Python	25585.7
 7.	darko			Rust	23946.6
 8.	julian			C++	23219.1
 9.	MikO			C++	22332.4
 10.	struppi			Rust	18132.2

The anytime highscore:

 1.	xora			C++	45976.5
 2.	Julzi_Tester		Python	39204.6
 3.	Testi			Python	34972.7
 4.	Julzi			Python	33717.6
 5.	rice			Python	30985.3
 6.	MaNa			Python	29577.4
 7.	darko			Rust	24017.1
 8.	julian			C++	23224.0
 9.	MikO			C++	22462.4
 10.	struppi			Rust	18149.8

The longest living snake:

 1.	rice			Python	715377.0
 2.	Testi			Python	672261.0
 3.	MaNa			Python	635489.0
 4.	xora			C++	568391.0
 5.	Julzi_Tester		Python	510350.0
 6.	Julzi			Python	422269.0
 7.	darko			Rust	286377.0
 8.	MikO			C++	254639.0
 9.	RugoshVnext		C++	247443.0
 10.	julian			C++	179893.0


Where to play

Raw IP alternatively as soon as the record is active you can find it under:
It was fun playing with you all! The server (hopefully including your snakes) will move to Hacksaar and the page here will be updated with new connection data as soon as that is done ;)

Legacy Info

This year there will again be a "local" installation of the 'Schlangenprogrammiernacht' by Bytewerk (see original) The goal of this game is to code your own snake bot in the style of but of course without live human interaction.

We hosted V1 of this game at HG 2018 and now it's time for V2, now you no longer code in LUA (though you can add languages, just contact MaNa) but now you can choose between C++, Rust or Python.