Buildup And Teardown: Difference between revisions

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Buildup starts on Monday, July 25th 2022 at 10:00 on the HaxoGreen camp site.

If you are willing to help with build-up, you can stay on the camp site starting Monday evening.

Helping hands will be taken care of by our staff providing you with food and drinks.

If you plan to arrive early, please add your nickname, the amount of people you are travelling with (including yourself) and the day and time of arrival so we can plan accordingly.

DoA ETA # Nick(s) Comment(s)
Monday 10:01:42 1 Wurschdbude Will stay and camp there during Build-up and perform FlyingIslandsBondageTrees
Monday morning 2 Sid Will stay and camp there during Build-up


Teardown will start on Sunday July 31st 2022 at 16:00.

We will need to leave until Monday August 01nd 2022 16:00.

DoD ETD # Nick(s) Comment(s)
Monday 1596470399 1 Wurschdbude
Monday when teardown is over 2 Sid


Day of Arrival as one of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Day of Departure either Sunday or Monday
Estimated Time of Arrival in HH:MM[:SS], guess-word or unix-timestamp (HH=Hour in 0..23, MM=Minute in 00..59, SS=Seconds in 00..59, guess-word like morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night, unknown, asap)
Estimated Time of Departure in HH:MM[:SS], guess-word or unix-timestamp (HH=Hour in 0..23, MM=Minute in 00..59, SS=Seconds in 00..59, guess-word like morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night, unknown, asap)
Amount of participating creatures including yourself
Nicknames of participating creatures including yourself