Self-organised Sessions

From Haxogreen 2022 Wiki
Revision as of 09:49, 21 June 2022 by Tezza (talk | contribs) (added Stëmme vun der Schmelz exhibition)

A "Self-organized Session" includes everything - everything that is organized by you!

Such an event can be...

  • ... a gathering of a project group or on a special topic,
  • ... a contest or a game
  • ... a small talk or lecture
  • ... a screening of a movie
  • ... something with music, literature and art
  • ... a follow-up-discussion on one of the talks or another topic that happened rencently
  • ... everything else you think that needs to take place at the camp
  • ... it might even be a workshop!

Do you plan on hosting a self-organised session? Leave an entry below!

Your Self-organized Sessions

What Who Where When How many (max.) Contact Information
FlyingIslandsBondageTrees Wurschdbude Skynet(above and around the camp) Mon - Thu 3 see Wurschdbude See project-page for details. Sometimes, some helpings hands on the ground are very useful, but helpers do most of the time nothing than waiting or holding an end of an rope, so if u want to help, take some beer with you. Maybe i can teach a few things, depending on the circumstances. If you have climbing gear and experience, GREAT, you can help.
Yoga Gunstick Grassy bit (in case of rain, inside) Every Day
10:00 to 12:00
8 Gunstick By muscle hacker ↗️ takes around 90 min. See pretalx for last change in time and place
inquire at infodesk
Gunstick Hackcenter on request
Day (-2) to Day 4
1 Infodesk By muscle hacker ↗️ . Takes around 20 min.
'Stëmme vun der Schmelz' Tezza Pomhouse Sat 15:00 10 Tezza We will walk (15 minute walk, 1,1km) to the exhibition in a very close located museum to learn a little about the location of HaxoGreen. The exhibition 'Stëmme vun der Schmelz' in tribute to the former industrial site and its workers is a free accessible exhibition.

Your not-so-self-organized Sessions

For anything else you want to do where you cannot fulfil the "everything-requirement", please use our CfP-System ↗️. If deadline is over, please Contact us to get an access-voucher.