Projects: Difference between revisions

From Haxogreen 2022 Wiki
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Revision as of 19:17, 2 December 2020

A project is a collaborative enterprise that brings together certain people, groups or communities. A project is normally connected to one or multiple Villages. You can use a project page to describe the different things which go on in your village, besides Self-organised_Sessions and regular camping.

Please browse through this list to find interesting projects, but even more important: Browse through the camp-site and and have a chat with the people from the projects you found interesting!

If you work on some project on HaxoGreen or just want to show on what you are usually working, you're encouraged to tell others about your presence and what you're doing.

So, if you like, add your project below.

List of projects

Project Description Contact Person Village/Location
BBB Berliner Bondage Bär Wurschdbude Hacksaar
FlyingIslandsBondageTrees Span ropes and things above the Camp Wurschdbude Skynet
Bolo-Contest Cooking "Bolognese" Wurschdbude, Frime TBD