What has worked for me is to use Picblock . You must not only block the imagery but the sexual content words to block all of the porno websites that are videos only. Set long password to protect yourself that you can’t remember… write it down and store the paper at work or somewhere that is not easily accessible.
Green July 4, 2011 at 12:24 am There is some validity to this hypothesis. I’m currently into day 4 without whacking it and I feel strong. I have hit on tons of women (usually I’m a tad shy or rely on jokes) but they are incredibly receptive and many (the attractive or confident ones) flirt back. In fact I’ve got a date with a really attractive and intelligent woman. That never used to happen. Intelligence used to intimidate me (and it turned me off) but currently it doesn’t bother me. In fact I find her incredibly desirable. Both physically and emotionally. Women stare at me more often as well. I wonder if the extra testosterone biochemically attracts females (kind like pheromones in bees). There is more to it than physical attraction though. I run faster, bowl (cricket) a lot quicker, lift stronger and I picked up a language (Japanese, lol). I haven’t turned into an elite athlete in 4 days but I am noticing a significant improvement. In 4 days I’ve become more energetic and open to experience (life that is). In terms of health I think I have better posture, my hair seems healthier, my acne improved drastically and my tinea on my right foot has nearly disappeared. Why though? Possibly the depletion of zinc during frequent masturbation led to the health issues. The addiction (self proclaimed) may have shot my self esteem as well. The reward systems in the brain are hijacked by porn which may have developed an unhappy attitude. Also, abstinence has given me extra energy which is directed into something positive. It can’t be masturbation alone that has had such an effect as I have also worked on my diet for months and for the past year I have been exercising frequently (as opposed to sporadically). Nevertheless it seems frequent masturbation is unhealthy.