
How to Make a Successful Blog: 8 Tips to Make Money

 Learning how to make a successful blog and earn money from content production within this channel is what many people want.

The blog is a relevant channel for the strategies of brands, companies and also for those who want to produce content and create a career around this dream. 

Yes, it is possible to learn how to make a successful blog and have excellent financial results, whether by capturing partners who want to have their brand disseminated through their channel, or even through the use of tools such as Google AdSense.


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However, for all this to happen, it is also necessary to be concerned with other elements and, mainly, with the production of relevant content

How to make a successful blog

But, after all, how to make a successful blog? Below, we list eight steps that must be applied and followed to reach your goal with the channel: 

  1. choose a subject
  2. Choose a suitable platform
  3. Have your own domain
  4. Create an editorial calendar
  5. Become a Google AdSense partner
  6. Create a contact menu 
  7. Seek partnerships for content production 
  8. Promote content to other channels 

See more details below. 

  1. Choose a subject

Of course, before starting a blog, it is necessary to pay attention to the content that will be produced, defining the theme that will be addressed in the publications. 

Surely you have already heard about the famous fashion blogs that exploded a few years ago, well, nowadays the range of content has expanded and it is possible to talk about everything:

  • business and entrepreneurship, 
  • games, 
  • pets, 
  • investment tips,
  • sons, 
  • Literature and more.  

Therefore, choose the topic that interests you the most or that is most related to your goals with the blog. 

The blog theme will help you choose everything else, such as the name and visual identity of the channel, in addition to the topics that will be covered. 

  1. Choose a suitable platform

With the theme chosen it's time to create the blog itself. For this you will need a specialized platform such as Word Press and Wax. 

Both have free and paid versions, with important differences, especially regarding channel customization. 

Word Press is the most used blogging platform in the world and has many plugins that will help make your channel perfect for your demands. 

Word Press is very intuitive and you won't need a programmer or developer to create your blog. You can do it yourself.

  1. Have your own domain

Domain is the address of your blog, for example, “”.

When you create your blog on a ready-made platform it offers a domain which is usually “”. Keeping this domain is not suitable for those who want to make a blog successful. 

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It is important that you create a custom domain, and for that, just access a tool like Go Daddy or Registro.Br, choose the desired domain and integrate it to your blog. To do this, check out the video below.

  1. Create an editorial calendar

Thinking about what will be written and when it will be published is a fundamental step for those who are looking for how to make a successful blog. 

This will help you to have a constancy of publication, which contributes a lot to increase your audience, take your blog off the paper and better rank the publications in the 

Make a list of topics you'd like to talk about and use a keyword research tool to pick topics that interest your audience. 

  1. Partner with Google AdSense

One of the most effective ways to make money from blogging is by being a Google AdSense partner. 

Google AdSense is a Google platform on which you register your blog for free and becomes a channel where Ads advertisements can be served according to the subject you address. 

Ads registered by Google Ads advertisers are broadcast on channels such as blogs and portals, and your website may be among them,

To better understand how it works and how to take advantage of this functionality, watch the video below. 

Also read: Walkthrough: How to place AdSense ads on your blog

  1. Create a contact menu 

In addition to being a Google ad channel, you can also earn money by creating paid content, known advertising, or also giving banner space on your blog to companies that come in direct contact with you. 

For this to happen, create a menu on your blog with your contacts, such as phone and email for partners. Creating a media kit is also a way to encourage potential partnerships. 

  1. Seek partnerships for content production 

When your blog has a good volume of content and hits, it may be interesting to propose content production partnerships for other channels that address topics similar to yours. Attention, don't stop writing on your channel! Stay productive!

Creating content for a partner blog, having your signature there and including links to your original blog are strategies that will attract a new and qualified audience to your channel. 

  1. Promote content to other channels 

Using social media marketing , for example, to promote the content you produce is one of the ways to make a successful blog, so use it to your advantage and attract new users, readers and visitors. 

Using email marketing to announce a new publication is also a good way to keep close readers who have visited your page on other occasions or even to share it with other contacts. 

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