
This is a provisional schedule and may be changed at any time!!!


What When Where
Massage on demand all day long check with gunstick at the Infodesk.
SparkShack Welding & Stuff Ask at the SparkShack near toilets (see map)
Yoga by muscle hacker 10:00 inquire at the Infodesk.

Main schedule

Note to presenters: your talk should be a little shorter than 60 minutes to leave time for the next presenter setting up.

Location of workshops: if you don't find it, ask Infodesk. For workshop organizers: tell Infodesk where you're doing it.

Time Day 1 - Thursday Day 2 - Friday Day 3 - Saturday Day 4 - Sunday
Talks Workshops
10:00 Build Your Own Rocket (2h) Build Your Own Rocket Awakening of the senses
11:00 Opening Event Lego Mindstorms workshop Pokemon Tournament
12:00 Build robots Joule Thief Build robots
13:00 Makey Makey hackathon (all afternoon) YoYo
14:00 Build Your Own Rocket Build Your Own Rocket
15:00 Open Data in Luxembourg
16:00 Play Panopticon Play Panopticon AtariST chiptune technologies Play Panopticon Closing Event
17:00 Lightning Talks
18:00 Sushi workshop
19:00 African vegetarian food workshop Nasi Goreng food workshop
20:00 Transport in Luxembourg
21:00 Security and privacy of modern single sign-on in the web
22:00 Brainhacking

Lightning Talks

Title Presenter duration
Qt Pass - GUI for the standard unix password manager Anne Jan Brouwer 10 mins
Backend & Frontend architecture scalability & web sockets Anne Jan Brouwer 20 mins
The marble adder Gunstick 15 mins
Panopticon game Cataspanglish 10 mins