
Since I never masturbated till I was 18 I myself went years without purposely extracting (unintentionally yes) my seed. But I never took notes on how I felt before and after I started masturbating because at the time I didn’t realise how much of a difference it could make. , I wish I did take notes. I never was normal. I was a strong nerd combined with alpha male traits. Two different people. Now that I think about it, I think part of the reason girls liked me even though I could hardly mutter one word to them was because I didn’t masturbate. I also had an explosive temper at times which was different coming from such a quiet person. I still always felt in control though but I know I must have scared a few people. I had that after masturbation too but I think it might have lessened.

Currently 10 days without dropping my seed.

JP July 5, 2011 at 9:45 pm Explosive temper but I never hurt anyone

David Moss July 17, 2011 at 4:20 pm Really glad to have come across the 2003 study via this. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that the increase isn’t 147%, it’s 47%, or an increase TO 147% of baseline, not an increase BY 147%. Namely, testosterone increases from around 374ng/dL to around 524ng/dL, not from 374 to over 1000.

Getting There July 18, 2011 at 12:07 am I am on day 3 and I have to say I have been completely changed by this already. for years now I have certainly over indulged in masturbation and coming to this site made me immediately reconsider what I’ve been doing.